
2015 - 2023

Microphones found in a house that were used to surveil the defendants.

In February 2019, the Asilo Occupato squat in Turin was evicted and six people were arrested — a seventh person, Carla, went on the run — as part of an operation called “Scintilla”[1]. Some of them were accused of carrying out several arson and explosive attacks on migrant detention centers and other targets between 2015 and 2018[2]. Some of them were accused of publishing a zine called “I cieli bruciano” (“The skies are burning”) which contained information about entities responsible for the management and maintenance of migrant detention centers.

In May 2019, another person, Boba, was arrested and accused of setting fire to a prison building with a nautical flare during a gathering in front of the prison where the other people were detained[3]. In November 2019, another person, Peppe, was arrested and accused of sending a parcel bomb in 2016 to a company involved in the management of a migrant detention center[4]. In July 2020, Carla, who had been on the run since the first arrests, was arrested in France and extradited to Italy.

After a trial in 2021[5]-2023, several people were sentenced to prison, with sentences ranging from 1 year to 4 years and 2 months[6].

Techniques used

Covert surveillance devices

Microphones hidden in a house for two and a half years recorded conversations that the investigators used to prove that the defendants knew each other, talked regularly, worried about the creation of a DNA database and the impossibility of resisting DNA collection, and discussed writing a text to be published[7].

See the corresponding Ears and Eyes case.

Door knocks

In May 2019, cops knocked on Boba's door under the pretext of giving a verbal notice to someone else[3]. Once inside, however, they revealed a warrant for Boba's arrest, arrested him, and searched the house.


The charge against Peppe was based on a match between DNA traces found inside the parcel bomb and his DNA collected from a cigarette butt during the investigation[4].

Gait recognition

Two of the people were accused of arson because their gait and walking style were considered compatible with individuals caught on video surveillance placing a canister of flammable liquid in front of an Italian post office[8].

International cooperation

Carla was arrested in France thanks to cooperation between Italian and French intelligence and police forces[2].