Door knocks


Door knocks are when an adversary comes knocking where you live to intimidate you or get information. Door knocks aim to intimidate or create paranoia, to see who is willing to talk and possibly be recruited as an informant, and to gather information from the people who do talk.

By logging who you call or visit immediately after they come knocking, the adversary can map your network.

In many countries, it is easier for the State to carry out door knocks than house raids because door knocks do not require a warrant or legal authorization.

Used in tactics: Deterrence, Incrimination


Avoiding self-incrimination

If an adversary knocks on your door, you can avoid talking to them: instead, alert your networks and consider making the event public.

Digital best practices

You can follow digital best practices to make it harder for an adversary to log who you contact after they knock on your door.

Used in repressive operations


In May 2019, cops knocked on Boba's door under the pretext of giving a verbal notice to someone else.[1] Once inside, however, they revealed a warrant for Boba's arrest, arrested him, and searched the house.