Editorial Policy

No Trace Project

The goal of the No Trace Project is to help anarchists and other rebels understand the capabilities of their enemies, undermine surveillance efforts, and ultimately act without getting caught. To achieve this goal, we strive to provide information that is as reliable as possible. If you notice an issue in the information we provide, you can contact us:

notrace@autistici.org (PGP)

No Trace Project editors are anonymous for security reasons.



The Resources are a collection of zines, texts and other media authored by many different people, with different and sometimes even opposing viewpoints on security issues. To ensure the reliability of included resources, we take the following measures:

Threat Library

The Threat Library is a threat modeling tool maintained by the No Trace Project. Although we write all of it ourselves, different considerations apply to different sections of the Threat Library:

Ears and Eyes

Ears and Eyes is a database of cases of surveillance devices hidden by authorities, maintained by the No Trace Project. Although we write the cases ourselves, they are based on various sources with varying levels of reliability. We use our best editorial judgment when deciding whether and how to use a particular source.