DNA forensics (also known as DNA analysis) is the collection, storage, and analysis of DNA traces for the purpose of matching DNA traces to individuals.
DNA is the molecule that contains the genetic code of organisms. With the exception of red blood cells, every cell in your body has DNA. You constantly shed DNA into the environment through skin cells, hair, saliva, blood, sweat, etc. DNA traces can be collected from human bodies or the environment and analyzed in specialized laboratories to reveal information about the individuals they came from.
Analysis of a DNA trace can provide basic information about the individual it came from, such as their genetic sex. Comparison of two DNA traces can determine whether they belong to the same individual, to individuals who are closely related genetically (e.g., parents and their children, cousins), or to unrelated individuals.
DNA in the environment degrades over time and under certain conditions, and a DNA trace must contain a sufficient amount of undegraded DNA to be successfully analyzed. As technology advances, this amount decreases.
DNA is often treated in trials as the “gold standard”, indisputable proof that a person was in contact with the surface where their DNA was found.
In many countries, the State has DNA databases containing the genetic information of many individuals, often obtained during arrests or as part of criminal convictions.
- Dna You Say? Burn Everything to Burn Longer: A Guide to Leaving No Traces for a comprehensive overview of DNA forensics literature.
- The “DNA” topic.
Used in tactics: Incrimination
Name | Description |
Careful action planning | An adversary can use DNA forensics to collect DNA at an action site. To mitigate this, you can carefully plan the action to minimize DNA traces at the action site. For example, you can:
DNA minimization protocols | You can minimize the amount of DNA you leave on a surface to minimize the risk that an adversary can use DNA forensics to draw a valuable conclusion from an analysis of the surface. |
Gloves | You can wear gloves to avoid leaving DNA on surfaces you touch. |
Used in repressive operations
Name | Description |
Repression of Lafarge factory sabotage | In one of the initial raids, police insisted that those arrested wear surgical masks to protect against Covid: the masks were later taken for DNA collection.[1] One person who refused to wear a mask had their underwear confiscated while in police custody, presumably for DNA collection.[2] |
Repression of the first Jane's Revenge arson | In May 2022, DNA traces were collected from several items found by investigators at the action site, including a broken window, a glass jar, a lighter, and an intact Molotov cocktail.[3] In March 2023, police saw the person discard a bag containing a partially eaten burrito in a public trash can. DNA traces collected from the bag's contents matched those collected at the action site. |
Case against Boris | The only evidence against Boris was that his DNA was found on a bottle cap at the foot of one of the burnt antennas from the April sabotage.[4] When DNA was collected from someone close to Boris during a house raid, only eight and a half hours elapsed between the collection of the DNA trace and the result of its comparison with other traces collected earlier. |
2019-2020 case against Mónica and Francisco | Francisco's DNA was found on the parcel bomb sent to the former Minister of the Interior, which was defused and didn't explode.[5] |
Repression against Zündlumpen | The only clue against a suspected editor of the newspaper was that their DNA was found on a cigarette butt in the print shop raided in April 2022.[6] |
Bure criminal association case | DNA traces were collected from:[7]
Investigators were unable to match the vast majority of the DNA traces they collected to anyone. Notable exceptions were:
Panico | DNA traces were the only evidence against one of the defendants.[8] |
Prometeo | DNA traces were used to convict the person accused of burning an ATM.[9] |
Renata | After their arrest and imprisonment, the person accused of the explosive attack on the Lega Nord headquarters in Treviso refused to have their DNA taken.[10] Some time after the person's refusal, prison guards searched their cell and secretly replaced one comb with another, presumably to obtain the person's DNA from the hairs on the comb they took. |
Scintilla | The charge against Peppe was based on a match between DNA traces found inside the parcel bomb and his DNA collected from a cigarette butt during the investigation.[11] |
Nea Filadelphia case | The charges against several people were based on a match between their DNA, taken by force while in custody, and DNA traces found on “mobile objects” near the robberies.[12] |
Mauvaises intentions | During police custody, DNA was collected from the people's clothing and from plastic cups.[13] In one case, only nine hours elapsed between the collection of a DNA trace in custody and the result of its comparison with another trace collected earlier. The charges against one person were based on a match between their DNA and DNA collected at the scene of the attempted arson of the electrical cabinet. DNA traces were collected both from a latex glove found nearby and from a bottle inside the cabinet — which did not catch fire because of a failed delay. The charges against other people were based on a match between their DNA and DNA collected from a cigarette used as a delay for an incendiary device — the delay failed and the device was found intact under the police tow truck. |
Scripta Manent | DNA evidence was used to convict Alfredo Cospito.[14] |
Private source.