Repression against Zündlumpen

2019 - ?

In April 2022[1] and October 2022[2], several apartments and basements, a print shop, and a library were raided by police as part of an investigation into the editors of the German anarchist newspaper Zündlumpen, published from 2019 to 2021.

During the April 2022 raid on the print shop, police seized thousands of books, zines, and newspapers, as well as all printing equipment and materials, apparently in an attempt to disrupt the printing capacity of local anarchists.

Techniques used


The only clue against a suspected editor of the newspaper was that their DNA was found on a cigarette butt in the print shop raided in April 2022[3].

Service provider collaboration

One clue against a suspected editor of the newspaper is that she used her bank account to order things that could be used for printing — her bank records were presumably obtained by investigators with the collaboration of the bank[3].

Targeted digital surveillance
Authentication bypass

In some of the April 2022 raids, cops seized smartphones immediately after entering and plugged them into power banks, presumably to prevent them from shutting down and reverting to an encrypted state[1].