Forensics: Linguistics


Forensic linguistics is the application of linguistic knowledge to identify the author of a text or the person behind a voice. Author identification (also called stylometry) is based on the analysis of certain patterns of language use: vocabulary, collocations, spelling, grammar, etc. Voice identification is based on speech sounds (phonetics) and the acoustic qualities of the voice.

Author identification

Author identification can be used, for example, to determine:

Voice identification

Voice identification can be used, for example, to determine:

See also

On the topic of author identification:

Used in tactics: Incrimination


Biometric concealment

You can hide the acoustic properties of your voice to conceal it.

Masking your writing style

You can mask your writing style to mitigate author identification.

Used in repressive operations

Scripta Manent

Texts published by some of the defendants were compared with action claims by the Informal Anarchist Federation, with the aim of proving that the people had written these claims[2].