Detection dogs


Detection dogs are dogs that have been trained by an adversary to detect certain substances, primarily through their sense of smell.

An adversary can bring detection dogs to an action site shortly after the action and have them follow a scent. If the dogs successfully detect and follow your scent, this could give the adversary clues as to the route you took out of the action site or even lead to your location. It is easier for detection dogs to follow a scent in rural areas than in urban areas with higher population densities.

Used in tactics: Arrest, Incrimination


Careful action planning

If you think that detection dogs can be deployed after an action, you can plan to take measures when leaving the action site. For example, you can plan to cross bodies of water to break the scent trail that the dogs are following, or plan to use pepper spray on the trail to disrupt the sense of smell of the dogs.

Used in repressive operations


In one of the house raids, the police used detection dogs trained to detect explosives[1].