

Repressive operations

Berlin 2023 railway conspiracy case2023 - ?

In February 2023, a few minutes after midnight, during a routine surveillance flight, the helicopter of the German federal police identified two people on railroad tracks near Berlin. Three police cars were dispatched to the location and the people were arrested on suspicion of attempted arson against the railway infrastructure.

Repression against Zündlumpen2019 - ?

In April 2022 and October 2022, several apartments and basements, a print shop, and a library were raided by police as part of an investigation into the editors of the German anarchist newspaper Zündlumpen, published from 2019 to 2021.

The three from the park bench2019 - ?

In 2019, three people were arrested while sitting on a park bench late at night in Hamburg, accused of carrying incendiary devices and planning to burn down a specific building whose address was written on a piece of paper found on them. Two of them had been followed by cops for several hours before their arrest.