Berlin 2023 railway conspiracy case

2023 - ?

In February 2023, a few minutes after midnight, during a routine surveillance flight, the helicopter of the German federal police identified two people on railroad tracks near Berlin[1]. Three police cars were dispatched to the location and the people were arrested on suspicion of attempted arson against the railway infrastructure.

Techniques used

Physical surveillance

The arrested people were discovered at night by a helicopter on a routine surveillance flight, presumably equipped with night-vision equipment[1]. A text[2] reports that in 2022, during another routine surveillance flight near Berlin, the same helicopter turned off its position lights and muffled the sound of its rotor blades to avoid detection: “Although the helicopter could still be heard, the noise was diminished. This can lead to misjudging the distance of the helicopter or, if mixed with other noise such as a highway, not being aware of the approaching problem until it's too late.”