International cooperation


International cooperation is the exchange of information between law enforcement and intelligence agencies of different countries.

International cooperation can be used to:

International cooperation can happen through informal channels, or through formal organizations such as Interpol.

Used in tactics: Arrest, Incrimination

Used in repressive operations


In June 2020, people were arrested in Spain and France, thanks to cooperation between Italian, Spanish and French intelligence and police forces.[1]

During the investigation Italian cops tried to target a person living in Germany.[2] They sent several requests to German police to extradite the person or have their house searched but the requests were rejected.

Bure criminal association case

Some of the people that were arrested had participated in demonstrations against the 2017 G20 summit in Hamburg, Germany.[3] Because of this, German investigators cooperated with French investigators, including by being present when the people were interrogated after their arrest.


Carla was arrested in France thanks to cooperation between Italian and French intelligence and police forces.[4]