Forensics: Gait recognition


Gait recognition is the analysis of the walking style and pace of individuals, for the purpose of matching one walking style and pace to another.

Gait recognition involves a human or automated system locating and measuring the body features (e.g., position of the ankles, knees, and hips) of a person as they move, and comparing them with the body features of another person. If the body features are sufficiently similar, the bodies are considered to belong to the same person.

Modern gait recognition systems are capable of identifying a person from a great distance, even if they are deliberately trying to change their gait.

Used in tactics: Incrimination


Anonymous dress

You can wear baggy clothing to conceal your gait.

Biometric concealment

You can wear baggy clothing that hides your body shape, use an umbrella or other concealing objects, or drastically change your walking style by adopting a “funny walk”.

Used in repressive operations


The main evidence against the person accused of an explosive attack on a police station was a comparison of his gait and the color of his coat with the corresponding characteristics of a person recorded by the surveillance cameras of the police station[1].


Two of the people were accused of arson because their gait and walking style were considered compatible with individuals caught on video surveillance placing a canister of flammable liquid in front of an Italian post office[2].