Biased interpretation of evidence


Biased interpretation of evidence is the practice of interpreting evidence in favor of a particular point of view.

Biased interpretation of evidence is the standard practice of modern justice systems which tend to favor the rich and powerful and discriminate against anarchists and other rebels. Evidence is interpreted with bias at all levels: when it is collected by investigators, when it is presented by prosecutors, and when it is considered by judges. Any information (even mundane information) can be woven into a narrative to fit the purposes of an investigation.

Used in tactics: Incrimination


Digital best practices

You can follow digital best practices to limit the information an adversary has about you, and therefore limit the information they can interpret in a biased way.

Need-to-know principle

You can apply the need-to-know principle to limit the information an adversary has about you, and therefore limit the information they can interpret in a biased way.