Forensics: Handwriting analysis


Two robbery notes[1] showing similarities in the formation of the number “0”.

Handwriting analysis (also known as handwriting recognition) is the analysis of handwriting samples, typically for the purpose of matching one sample to another.

Factors of handwriting

When you write, you naturally adopt a relatively unique handwriting that depends on several factors, including:


An adversary can analyze a writing sample to identify its characteristics, including:

In some languages that are written horizontally, such as English, an adversary can also identify the following characteristics:

An adversary can compare the characteristics of a writing sample to the characteristics of another to determine whether or not the samples were written by the same person, and the confidence in that determination. This comparison can be done by humans or by specialized software.

Handwriting databases

In some countries, the State has databases of handwriting samples that allow comparing a sample to all samples in the database. For example, in the United States, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) maintains the Bank Robbery Note File (BRNF), which contains samples of handwritten notes used in bank robberies.

See also

See also Huber and Headrick's Handwriting Identification: Facts and Fundamentals ?This is a link to the Surveillance Archive. Use Tor Browser to access it. for a comprehensive overview of handwriting analysis.

Used in tactics: Incrimination


Biometric concealment

An adversary can identify the characteristics of a writing sample to identify its author. To mitigate this, if you are writing an incriminating text and you want to conceal your handwriting:

  • If you don't need to hide that you are concealing your handwriting, you can take as many of the following measures as possible:
    • Hold the writing instrument in an unusual way. For example, if you normally hold a pen in your right hand, hold it in your left hand instead.
    • Use a writing style that produces generic rather than unique characters. For example, use uppercase block letters rather than cursive.
    • Pause for a few seconds between each character to avoid unconsciously falling back into your writing habits.
    • Keep the text as short as possible.
  • If you need to hide that you are concealing your handwriting, you can use a handwriting that looks natural but does not feature the characteristics of your normal handwriting. This is difficult and may take years of practice.

Used in repressive operations

Repression of the first Jane's Revenge arson

A comparison between the cursive graffiti left at the action site and the same style of graffiti painted a few months later during a demonstration helped identify the person.[3]

2019-2020 case against Mónica and Francisco

The labels on the two parcel bombs remained intact — one because the parcel didn't explode, and one despite the explosion of the parcel.[4] The handwritten signatures on the labels were compared and positively matched. This showed that the parcels were sent by the same person.

Scripta Manent

Handwriting samples of some of the defendants (including notes seized during raids and letters written from prison) were compared to handwritten addresses on unexploded parcel bombs in an attempt to link the defendants to the attacks.[5]


Some bank robberies are carried out by discreetly handing the teller a written note demanding money in order to draw as little attention as possible.


The baseline is the horizontal line upon which the characters “sit”. For example, the “loop” of a lowercase “p” sits on the baseline, while its “tail” extends below the baseline.