Forensics: Handwriting analysis


Handwriting analysis is the analysis of handwriting samples, typically for the purpose of matching one sample to another.

Handwriting analysis is based on an understanding of the unique characteristics of letter formation and the physiological processes behind writing — the ways in which a person's fine motor skills can affect their handwriting.

Used in tactics: Incrimination


Biometric concealment

You can write on digital devices instead of by hand to conceal your handwriting. When writing graffiti, you can use only uppercase letters and make the lettering as generic as possible.

Used in repressive operations

Repression of the first Jane's Revenge arson

A comparison between the cursive graffiti left at the action site and the same style of graffiti painted a few months later during a demonstration helped identify the person who was later arrested[1].

2019-2020 case against Mónica and Francisco

The labels on the two parcel bombs remained intact — one because the parcel didn't explode, and one despite the explosion of the parcel[2]. The handwritten signatures on the labels were compared and positively matched. This showed that the parcels were sent by the same person.

Scripta Manent

Handwriting samples of some of the defendants (including notes seized during raids and letters written from prison) were compared to handwritten addresses on unexploded parcel bombs in an attempt to link the people to the attacks[3].