
2017 - 2020

In late 2017 and early 2018, about ten people were arrested in Penza and Saint Petersburg[1] and accused of being part of an underground organization called “Network” that was planning terrorist attacks in anticipation of the 2018 Russian presidential elections and the FIFA World Cup[2]. Some were also accused of attempting to sell large quantities of drugs. Most of them were tortured in the early stages of their detention by the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB).

The initial arrests that launched the investigation were made because most of the defendants from Penza were involved in the drug business[3].

After two trials in 2020, seven alleged members of the “Network” organization in Penza were sentenced to prison terms ranging from 6 to 18 years[4], and two alleged members in Saint Petersburg were sentenced to 5 and a half and 7 years in prison, respectively[5].

Techniques used

Physical violence

Most of the defendants were tortured by the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) in the early stages of their detention in order to obtain (often fabricated) statements that could later be used to charge and convict them[1]. Most of the defendants who were tortured later retracted their statements and spoke publicly about the torture they had received.