Transportation by bike


Transportation by bike is the practice of using a bicycle instead of other modes of transportation.

Advantages of transportation by bike include:

Techniques addressed by this mitigation

Covert surveillance devices

You can use a bike instead of any other type of vehicle: unlike other vehicles, when you conduct a bug search of a bike you can determine with a high degree of confidence whether or not a covert location surveillance device is installed on the bike.

You should store the bike indoors to make it harder for an adversary to install a covert location surveillance device on it.

Mass surveillance
Video surveillance

You can use a bike instead of any other type of vehicle: compared to other vehicles, a bike is much harder to identify on CCTV footage, especially if its distinguishing features are minimized. For example, you can use a different stolen bike for each action you carry out.

Physical surveillance

You can use a bike instead of any other type of vehicle: compared to other vehicles or people on foot, a bike is harder to follow by a covert physical surveillance operation, especially without the operation being detected.