
Searchable database of zines, texts and other media dealing with surveillance and operational security. The goal is to help anarchists and other rebels acquire a practical understanding of the surveillance threats they may face in their struggles and in their lives. Resources that are easy to understand and written by friends are preferred.
Type - Image (2)
"There are several ways to do this (which are far from being exhaustive, let's be creative): attacking the camera, opening the hatch, attacking cables."
Other languages
(fr) Détruisons les caméras
"Pour cela il existe plusieurs moyens (qui sont loin d'être exhaustifs, soyons créatifs) : s'attaquer à la camera, ouvrir la trappe, s'attaquer aux câbles."
Friends & other activists
Direct action, Video surveillance
Image, Text
Last updated
February 16, 2022
"Wavelength, signal jammer; Laser; BB, pellet gun, air rifle; Kamikaze drones; Fishing wire, cord."
Other languages
(el) 5 εύκολοι τρόποι να ρίξετε ένα drone
"Παρεμποδιστής σήματος; Λέιζερ; BB gun, αεροβόλα; Drones-καμικάζι; Σχοινί ψαρέματος, νήμα."
(fr) Cinq manières à la portée de tous pour abattre un drone
"Brouilleur d'ondes ; Laser ; Carabine à plombs ; Drone kamikaze ; Fil de pêche."
(it) 5 modi alla portata di tutti per abbattere un drone
"Jammer; Laser; Fucile a piombini; Drone kamikaze; Lenza da pesca."
Friends & other activists
Aerial surveillance
Image, Text
Last updated
November 29, 2021