January 4, 2025 chat
The online chat for Session #1: Preparing for Physical Surveillance will take place on January 4, 2025, in English, in two separate moments to facilitate the participation of people from different time zones:
- First moment: from 8:00 UTC to 10:00 UTC. Live translation will be available to and from Spanish.
- Second moment: from 20:00 UTC to 22:00 UTC. Live translation will be available to and from French and Spanish.
Recommended method
To join the chat:
- Start Tails[1].
- Connect to the Internet and follow the instructions to connect to Tor.
- Open Tor Browser.
- In Tor Browser, access the chat connection page, optionally choose a nickname, and click “START”.
- You will shortly be contacted by a user named “ar-talks-tech”. This user is here to tell you how to join the chat, and help you with any technical issues you may encounter. Click on “ar-talks-tech” in the sidebar to open a private discussion with them, and follow their instructions.
- When the user “ar-talks-tech” asks you to join a channel, hover your mouse over “AnarchyPlanet” in the sidebar, click on “+”, type the channel name, and press Enter.
Alternative method
If you have the required technical knowledge you can also join the chat using the IRC client of your choice, with the following parameters:
- Server: “i2b23rgkhpfcwyi5v7yyaeyhcarbqxxdm76ommzpno6245aufja5arqd.onion”.
- Port: “6667”.
- Channel: “#ar-talks-lobby”.