

Repressive operations

Repression of Lafarge factory sabotage2022 - ?

On June 5, 2023, about fifteen people were raided and arrested in France, accused of participating in the December 2022 sabotage of a factory of the French industrial company Lafarge. The sabotage, which took place during the day and involved between 100 and 200 people, caused around 6 million euros of damage.

Case against Boris2020 - 2021

In 2020, Boris was accused of sabotaging a cell tower in Besançon, Doubs, France, in March 2020, and two cell towers on Mount Poupet in the Jura Mountains, France, in April 2020. He was initially suspected when his DNA was found on a bottle cap at the foot of one of the burnt cell towers on Mount Poupet. The charges against him for the sabotage of the Besançon cell tower were later dropped for lack of evidence.

Mauvaises intentions2006 - 2012

In 2008, six people were arrested and charged with preparation of terrorist acts, possession or manufacture of explosive or incendiary devices, and arson or attempted arson — including an attempted arson of an electrical cabinet in 2006 and an attempted arson of a police tow truck in 2007. This operation was documented by comrades in a series of zines entitled “Mauvaises intentions”.