How To Have A Fun Night To Forget

English • French

Original text in English
Some humble anarchist


This is a small and incomplete outline of what questions you should ask yourself, and what obstacles you may encounter when you are trying to have a fun night to forget. Most importantly — how will you emerge from the shadows and disappear back into them without a trace? Risk analysis is necessary for knowing what protective measures to take; being overcautious is better than being careless. How much effort and resources do you think the State and its lackeys will put into connecting you to the scene of your fun night? Can you find out what has happened in the past after other nights of a similar nature? The most comprehensive and reliable resources are going to be the No Trace Project, its Threat Library and Warrior Up.

Preparing for Fun

Ways To Get There

Dress For Success

Cover every inch of your body to minimize the spread of DNA, and conceal your identity. GET RID OF YOUR CLOTHING AFTERWARDS.


Considering Cameras and Eye Witnesses

How To Disappear Completely

  1. Follow your entrance plan.
  2. Change clothing where you decided.
  3. Have fun.
  4. Change clothing.
  5. Follow your exit plan.
  6. Burn or dispose of EVERYTHING used in the fun night. Tools can be later used as evidence.

Submitting Communiques

For the sake of countering identification using linguistics forensics keep it simple and do not under any circumstances include anything identifying. You can run it through an online translator (DuckDuckGo has one built-in) through a few languages and then back to the original language.

For the sake of reproducibility, if you used an innovative or unique method you can describe that.

If the night is reported on the news and you do not wish to write a communique you can send the article to a counter-info site. If the article is difficult to access over Tor, archive it using or and send the archive link, or copy it and submit the pasted text and images.

Extra Reading



No Trace Project (N.T.P.) note: Although both Tails and Qubes-Whonix are good, secure choices for a number of use cases, it should be noted that only Tails is specifically designed to be “amnesiac”, i.e. to leave no traces on the computer on which it is used. Therefore, Tails can often be a better choice for sensitive action research.


N.T.P. note: This first pair of gloves should of course not be thrown away on site, but be kept in order to be disposed of far away at a later time.


N.T.P. note: The tarp used in the clean room should be new so that it isn't already contaminated with your DNA. A cheaper alternative to a tarp can be a new, packaged shower curtain.


N.T.P. note: We recommend reading the zine “DNA You Say?”.