Guide to Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) Destruction


Originaltext auf Englisch

All methods described in this guide have been thoroughly tested in practice.

Please pay close attention to training section.

Last updated September 2001.

Why destroy CCTV cameras?

Trust your instincts, but if you need intellectual justification then:

“The gaze of the cameras does not fall equally on all users of the street but on those who are stereotypical predefined as potentially deviant, or through appearance and demeanour, are singled out by operators as unrespectable. In this way youth, particularly those already socially and economically marginal, may be subject to even greater levels of authoritative intervention and official stigmatisation, and rather than contributing to social justice through the reduction of victimisation, CCTV will merely become a tool of injustice through the amplification of differential and discriminatory policing.”

“[A]n instrument of social control and the production of discipline; the production of 'anticipatory conformity'; the certainty of rapid deployment to observed deviance and; the compilation of individualised dossiers of the monitored population.”

“The unforgiving Eye: CCTV surveillance in public space”, Dr Clive Norris and Gary Armstrong of the Centre for Criminology and Criminal Justice at Hull University, United Kingdom.

“What we have been able to show is that CCTV didn't reduce crime — if anything it has increased — and it didn't reduce fear of crime. If anything there was a slight increase in anxiety.”

Prof. Jason Ditton of Sheffield University, United Kingdom.

Types of CCTV cameras

Dummy CCTV cameras

A dummy camera.

Hidden CCTV cameras

A circuit board with a camera lens, a charger, and other components are arranged next to each other on a flat surface.

Wall mounted CCTV cameras

Roof mounted CCTV cameras

A camera mounted on a roof.

Street post mounted CCTV cameras

A camera mounted on a street post.

Methods of attack

Plastic bag

Sticker and tape

Paint gun

A water pistol.

Laser pointer

A laser pointer.

Cable cutting

Two images on top of each other. At the top, a hand axe. At the bottom, pruning shears.

Block drop


Training is essential for not only fitness, but also for developing techniques and more importantly preparing for unpredictable events.

Working together


Learning the territory