Ears and Eyes

Searchable database of cases of physical surveillance devices (microphones, cameras, location trackers…) hidden by law enforcement and intelligence agencies to surveil people or groups engaged in subversive activities.

Type - Other (1)
March 2018

A surveillance device was found inside the desktop phone of a journalist seemingly targeted for their support to the news organization Wikileaks. The phone, a “Cryptophone” based on the “Snom 870” desktop phone, enabled encrypted voice communications with other Cryptophones. The surveillance device included a battery pack and a shielded module with several electronic components. It was able to record what was said on the phone and could be triggered remotely through radio frequencies to send the recorded data. Components of the phone were modified to install the surveillance device. The device was probably installed by the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency).

Modified version of the phone's largest circuit board (with surveillance device). The battery pack (in blue) and the shielded module (in light brown) are part of the surveillance device.
Modified version of the phone's largest circuit board, with the cover of the shielded module removed.
On the left: modified version of the phone's largest circuit board (with surveillance device) without the battery pack. On the right: unmodified version.
The phone's smallest circuit board, with added wiring to allow recording of audio by the surveillance device on the other circuit board.
Sources: (en) media.ccc.de ; (en) web.archive.org
Unknown country
Last updated
March 25, 2023