Choosing Your Friends Wisely for Illegal Activities

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Francés • Inglés

Texto original en inglés

We need to stress the importance of choosing your “friends” wisely. As we have seen, even cell members can turn into informers when the heat is on and fear has taken over their reasoning. Here are a few words on how to better choose the people that you take action with:

And once a person finds people they think are of a high enough caliber to work with, next you want to:

Finally, even though it sounds strange, the cell should partake in some sort of ritual where everyone promises to other cell members to never talk to anyone (friends, lovers, cops, etc.) about the action, and that all information will never leave the confines of the active cell. This sort of “blood sibling” type ritual might be the one thing that helps weaker people through a hard spot after an arrest. It is important that all participants in an action know what's expected from them if the shit should hit the fan.


No Trace Project note: We do not think this is necessarily true.